However, one thing is for certain, in my outer world, Nickelback and The Veronicas will always suck, the latter of which when asked to comment on “God Save The Queen “ by The Sex Pistols claimed it was an over sensationalised pop song. Obviously the old adage of it being wiser keeping your mouth shut and letting everyone think you’re an idiot, rather than opening it and removing all doubt, is lost on those two.
Dissapointment of the year was The Herd, there is an unwritten law in music, don't mix politics and music as there is no place for personal political viewpoint in music. Their song "The King is Dead" ignored the golden rule, almost as part of some depserate act to get noticed. Well 12 months on seems like The Herd are looking like complete tossers, as politcal deceit, lies and maniplulation win again.
In my opinion, some great 2008 CD’s I purchased not mentioned in my enlightened magazine and worthy of note were:
· Magic Dirt – Girl: Adalita at her raw , moody best in addition to a mind blowing show at the Annandale.
· We Are Scientists – Brain Thrust Mastery: Indie pop bliss and a new find for me in 2008, the complete antithesis to Emo music, upbeat music that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
· Hyske – Luna : Now here was a rare and unexpected find, a gorgeous sounding Sydney band who I saw at the Sando and to my surprise only about 20 people turned up but what a beautiful sound to behold.
· James – Hey Ma: Always did love the vocals of James, something solid, clean and unquestionable. It’s been a while since we heard something from these guys and this little gem didn’t go unnoticed by yours truly.
· Electro music of Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours and Van She – V were a delightful and refreshing sound in 2008, obviously speared on and led by the huge success of The Presets, the former two were a breath of fresh air and one of the surprises of 2008.
Towards the tail end of 2008 I was knocked flat by, I think, one of the biggest bands to watch in 2009, White Lies. Something lyrically dark but yet uncomplicated about these guys, the music is melodic but not over produced, avoiding in becoming deceptively uplifting. I am thoroughly looking forward to hearing more form the London based trio; their CD is due for release in January 2009.
Death - White Lies